eVSM Tutorials

Supply Network Mapping




Supply Network - models inbound and outbound supply for a product. Includes analysis for lead time, risk, and total cost of ownership. Maps can be overlaid onto geographic views for additional insight. eLeanor PDF
Warehousing - for warehouse process mapping. PDF PDF

Plant Mapping (Discrete Parts and Assemblies)




Manufacturing - Plant level value stream mapping for discrete parts and assemblies that allows calculation of takt time, lead time, and capacities.   PDF PDF
Manufacturing Multi Station - calculates the properties of an equivalent machine that has the same capacity as multiple machines with differing properties. Designed to be used with the Quick Manufacturing stencil. PDF PDF

Plant Mapping (Food and Chemicals)




Processing - Plant level value stream mapping of chemicals and food processes that allows calculations of takt time, lead time, and capacities. PDF PDF
Processing Multi Station - calculates the properties of an equivalent machine that has the same capacity as multiple machines with differing properties. Designed to be used with the Quick Processing stencil. PDF PDF

Quick Response Manufacturing




MCT (Manufacturing Critical-path Time) - for drawing the MCT flow, timeline chart, and flow summary.  PDF PDF
POLCA (Paired-cell Overlapping Loops of Cards with Authorization) - is a variant of Kanban, suitable for companies which produce many different and/or customized products. PDF PDF

Mixed Model Calculations




Kanban - Calculates Kanban sizing and quantities for a simple Kanban loop and using safety factors against demand variation and supply issues. PDF PDF
EPEI - calculate min possible and actual EPEI (Every Part Every Interval) intervals for multiple products going through a single station with differing demands and lot sizes. PDF PDF
Changeover - Allows analysis of converting a line or machine from running one product to another with calculation of walk times, work times, and separation of internal and external work components. Also computes cost of product capacity lost during changeover. Supports changeover work content from multiple staff. Generates C/O work chart with timings. PDF PDF

Services and Healthcare Mapping




Time - for measuring time (VA & NVA) associated with the value stream. PDF PDF
Transactional Pro - merges key concepts from business modeling and lean into a unified value stream mapping solution to improve transactional value streams. PDF PDF
Healthcare - for capturing, calculating, and visualizing lead time, capacity, resource, and cost associated with healthcare value streams. PDF PDF

Customer Journey Mapping


Tech Sheet

Customer Journey - A visual representation of the experience your customers have with your products and services. Allows ideation and prioritization to move the customer experience to one that build loyalty, a long term relationship and long term revenue PDF

Project Management and Problem Solving




A3 Report - creates A3 Reports in Visio with a starter template and a dedicated stencil of standard shapes from eVSM. PDF PDF
Project Planning - This application allows visual project planning and scheduling with start/end constraints and associated resource usage and costs. Automatically generates a Gantt chart and allows highlighting of the critical path. eLeanor  
Decision Tree - This application allows the creation of decision trees that lead to different outcomes as characterized by a flow percentage and a value.    
Event Circle - allows you to visualize all the transactions in a given pathway or process. PDF PDF

Facility Planning




Standard Work - allows layout of standard work with manual, machine, and walk times and creates a standard work chart. PDF PDF
Spaghetti Diagram - allows you to draw paths on a floor plan and then export a Path Report with distances to Excel. PDF PDF
Layout - The Layout Wizard supports visual planning of area layout with qualitative and quantitative consideration of material flows, transport mechanisms, service requirements and auxiliary conditions. It is a very visual approach and loosely based on the layout planning methodologies developed by Muther, Apple, and others. PDF  
Plant Milk Run - plan one or more milk run routes to provide materials replenishment at workstations at fixed time intervals. It estimates the route time. You can then add or remove stops, change the route geometry, and couple/decouple loading and unloading operations. PDF PDF

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