eVSM Digital Signature

Submitted by hr@evsm.com on Thu, 04/08/2021 - 17:12

All eVSM software code is signed with a digital signature issued by DigiCert to confirm our identity and show our users the software is from us. By design the digital signature will get corrupted if the code is tampered with by anyone who does not have access to our signature.

How can I migrate my old eVSM maps to the current version?

Submitted by hr@evsm.com on Fri, 03/26/2021 - 20:30

Shut down any open Visio files. Backup a copy of the old map file. Open the old file and click the "Migrate" button in the eVSM toolbar. When the migration run is complete, your old file as well as the migrated copy will be open. In the old file you will see highlighting on any items skipped by the migration.

Migration is not a 100%, so you will need to do some manual work to finish. See https://evsm.com/evsm-v11-migration for a list of the additional actions to complete.

My eLeanor control panel is missing

Submitted by mate.swati@gmail.com on Sat, 01/09/2021 - 10:43

If you open an eLeanor lesson file and don't see the eLeanor control panel, then check:

  1. Make sure your eVSM toolbar is visible (if not, see note #3 above).
  2. Make sure the panel is not on a second screen or hidden behind other windows.
  3. You mak be able to re-instate the panel with the "eLeanor Panel" command in the eVSM toolbar as shown below.

I cannot sign in to the Eleanor Control Panel

Submitted by mate.swati@gmail.com on Sat, 01/09/2021 - 10:41

eVSM requires direct communications from VB code to the evsm.com server for:

  • User authentication
  • License activation
  • eLeanor (training) score keeping

If the company firewall or proxy server blocks this communication then these functions cannot work. Following is a list of URLs eVSM needs access to. If you see problems with any of the above or other server communications problems, please "whitelist" these URLs.