eVSM Mix

eVSM Mix's new engine provides the tools needed to value stream map and improve mixed model production environments. It includes all the capability of the eVSM software, and adds the following advantages to applications built with the new Mix engine:

  • removes averaging of product demands
  • removes averaging of cycle times across products (so called weighted average cycle times)
  • removes averaging of routings across products

By removing so much averaging, eVSM Mix makes data input easier, makes analytics better, and maps more useful to SEE the value stream and improve it. Its a must-have for those involved in mixed model production.

Prerequisites are Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Windows. See details of versions required at the Support Page.

eVSM Software delivery is via electronic download. 

Pricing Details

eVSM Mix is available at a company or site level . It is not available as single user licenses other than for 30 day evaluation purposes. The Annual License Fee is $1450 plus a per associate (full or part time employees plus contractors) increment depending on the total number of associates over 500. The annual fee allows for multiple installations with a max installation limit calculated as the annual fee/390.

For licensing at small plants with less than 500 employees, there is a standard fee of $1950 per plant with installation on up to 5 PC's at the plant.

The site license is limited to usage by employees at the site and for application to that site's value streams. The enterprise license, on the other hand, can be utilized by any employee globally.

If the max installation limit proves insufficient, you can add more users by incrementing the annual fee by $390 per user

The fee is based on company size in associates and not software users.


Site License Calculator

Enter Total associates

Annual Fee:   $ 

Max # of Installations: 

Please contact info@evsm.com with any questions. For a formal quote, click the button below.

Send me a Quote

Pricing will include access to always-available hands-on eLearning modules with formal certification and will include technical support for those who have become certified through this system. Deployment leaders will be provided access to a web-based dashboard to monitor learning and certification progress.

Pricing is fixed and under the standard EULA (End User Licensing Agreement). Where an enterprise license is purchased for eVSM Mix and existing eVSM Mix licenses are already in place at some of the sites, pro-rata credit on the Mix license fee will be given after a deduction of $1250 from each existing Mix license.